Igor Krizaj
Jožef Stefan Institute
Dr. Igor Križaj (1963) accomplished his doctoral studies at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and at the Imperial College of London, UK. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute Pasteur in Paris. He is heading the Department of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences (http://www-b2.ijs.si/) at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana since 2007. He is also a full Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Ljubljana. His major research interests are toxinology of animal venoms, with emphasis on toxins acting on haemostasis and nerve system, pathophysiological roles of secreted phospholipases A2, proteomics and protein structure-function relationships. So far, he published 144 research papers in SCI journals and several chapters in scientific monographs. He headed 28 research projects and supervised theses of 64 students on different levels. He received several national and international awards for his scientific achievements. He served as a Secretary of the European Section of the International Society on Toxinology (IST) and a Member of the IST Council in the period 2004 – 2012. He is an editorial board member at several international scientific journals.
Research Interest
Toxinology: venoms, pharmacologically active compounds, neurotoxicity, hematotoxicity, neurotoxins, anticoagulants, procoagulants, antithrombotics, molecular mechanisms, membrane receptors, venomics. Phospholipases A2, their inhibitors and activators: physiological and pathological role. Proteomics and protein structure: structure-function relationships.